Research collaboration ESG / machine learning between Vietquant, SINTEF and Nord University. VietQuant, SINTEF and Northern University are now in the process of entering into a 4-year collaborative project on the use of ESG and machine learning in finance. Among other things, VietQuant is working to help family offices implement research-based, rule-based investment strategies. The company has previously partnered with SINTEF to improve current state-of-the-art investment research using new advanced math and self-learning systems (machine learning). This collaboration is now being extended to include advanced ESG research where North University has a leading position. The aim of the project is to find the best methods to measure – and predict – the effects of a changing climate on markets, sectors and various individual companies.  

What is ESG? ESG stands for “Environmental, Social and Governance” and can be translated into Norwegian as environment, social and corporate governance. ESG criteria are increasingly used in fund strategies and investment advice as a filter to avoid unethical companies, but ESG can also help identify sectors and companies that are more exposed to financial risk or lower expected returns. ESG is a relatively new research area where the use of alternative data sources and machine learning has shown very promising results.
Potentially interested research partners (family offices, institutional investors) please get in touch!
About Northern University Northern University is working on several international research projects through participation in the EU’s Horizon 2020 research program, the world’s largest research and innovation program. The research group around professor Thomas Leirvik is one of the world’s leaders in climate / ESG research and has published several articles in international academic journals.  

About VietQuant VietQuant is a relatively newly established company that helps investors achieve better financial returns through a scientific and rules-based approach to investment. The company is owned by the employees together with a small group of financial investors.  

About SINTEF SINTEF is one of Europe’s leading independent research institutes with approx. 4000 employees in Trondheim and Oslo. They carry out research with funding from the Research Council of Norway, the EU.